The Lusty Month of May - Ribbons 2 - The Ribbons Pull You (Ribbons and Fingers)
The Lusty Month of May
Ribbons 2 - The Ribbons Pull You
Variations on the “Ribbons and Gentle Fingers” as taught by Alan Questel, GCFT®
Pin on a rainbow of ribbons and let the maypole dance you
This time the ribbons of the maypole pull you. Pin on a rainbow of ribbons - on your heart, your upper back, your belly button and tailbone - and let the maypole guide you. The turning pole opens your chest and belly. And in your imagination, you tie some of the ribbons together to find connections from front and back, up and down.
Align the optimal breath pattern to match the movement of pole - with ease. Sense twinges of tension with the Voice-o-meter - Tra La, It’s May, The Lusty Month of May! And the healing sounds. (Download the “Healing Sounds” chart here.) Experience the movement on your back and side for different pulls of gravity.
Science Nerd Candy Bowl: No! No thinking, just being.
Set Up for supine and side-lying:
Lying on a mat with support as needed for head and knees for supine
Head and maybe knee support for side-lying; chin and sternum should be aligned, legs aligned with hip sockets
Alternatively - Seated on a flat-bottom, armless chair with knees and hips level
How you might feel after this lesson: Festive; Open; Connected; Joyful; Fluid in torso, able to turn on a dime; Able to use your breath and relaxation to dance and dance and dance. Ready for it to be spring already!
New Student Registration for the series. Continuing students use ongoing login. $40/month or $15/individual class. PayPal or Venmo: Or Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
A full late 60s interpretation, sensual, sexy interpretation of the “Lusty Month of May” featuring a lovely Vanessa Redgrave.
A semi modern maypole dance showing the weave of the ribbons and the skip of the dancers.