The Lusty Month of May - Ribbons 1 - Around the Maypole (Four Corners)
Maypole Dance - source:
The Lusty Month of May
Ribbons 1 - Around the Maypole
Variations on the “Minimal Lifting” as taught by Arlyn Zones, GCFT®, “Flexible Chest Series”
Grab a ribbon and join the dance
Grab a ribbon in your imagination, and circle the maypole, leaning into the ribbon to feel yourself in movement. As you circle, you skip forward, shifting weight side-to-side and turning the head and torso to look towards the maypole and out to the other dancers. Dance clockwise and counterclockwise to work the left and right sides of the body.
This festive session takes off from a familiar, supine lesson where we kinestheically connect the shoulders and hips: same side connections, diagonals, and all corners at once.
Align the optimal breath pattern to dance for as long as you want - with ease. Sense twinges of tension with the Voice-o-meter - Tra La, It’s May, The Lusty Month of May! And the healing sounds. (Download the “Healing Sounds” chart here.)
Science Nerd Candy Bowl: No! No thinking, just being.
Set Up for supine:
Lying on a mat with support as needed for head and knees for supine
Alternatively - Seated on a flat-bottom, armless chair with knees and hips level
How you might feel after this lesson: Festive; Open; Connected; Joyful; Fluid in torso, able to turn on a dime; Able to use your breath and relaxation to dance and dance and dance. Ready for it to be spring already!
New Student Registration for the series. Continuing students use ongoing login. $40/month or $15/individual class. PayPal or Venmo: Or Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
A young Julie Andrews as Guinever in the classic musical “Camelot” celebrates the lusty month of May, ribbons, hoops and somewhat bawdy lyrics for the early 1960s.
A semi modern maypole dance showing the weave of the ribbons and the skip of the dancers.