On True Learning - Moshe Feldenkrais
Too Darn Hot
Super Cool Minimal Moves
Coordinating Connections based on “Spacial Relationships as a Means to Coordinated Action,” Lesson 9 in Awareness Through Movement
“You will learn that conscious attention to the spacial relationships between moving limbs makes movement coordinated and flowing, and attentive systematic scanning of a part of the body can relax superfluous muscular tension there.”
- Moshe Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement
Moshe Feldenkrais had an attitude about calisthenics. He did not think highly of them, at least as a learning method. “Must we assume that the mechanical repetition has no value except to the extant that it stimulates circulation and uses the muscles? Is this why people who do gymnastics all their lives are not much more successful in any constructive activity than those who do not?”
For Moshe, the means to continual, wholistic improvement is awareness.
This lesson comes from Moshe Feldenkrais’ book Awareness Through Movement book, chapter 9. Again, the key is minimal movement and imagination. Circle your nose and discover your whole self. This seated lesson, with a brief kneeling interlude, centers on the nose and its relationships ears, shoulders, neck, and of course the breath and pelvis. There's an interlude with an imaginary paintbrush, so pick out your colors.
Minimal movement, big discoveries.
Set Up:
On a mat on the floor, lying on your front. You might want padding for your tummy, across the top of your chest, and possibly for under your chin
You can also do this lesson supine, lying on back, with the usual supports
OR sit on a firm, stable chair with knees and hips level
How you might feel after this lesson: Cool and quiet; Connected fingertip to nose, with clarity on everything in between; Aware of the correspondences from head to extremities, with a little balance challenge as well.
A smooth, classy, light interpretation