Close Up Screen Time Elongates Eyes - Rest Is Critical to Long-Term Eye Health
Close Up Screen Time Elongates Eyes - Not Good
Eye Rest Is Critical to Long-Term Eye Health
You thought the only threat from screens was the penetrating blue light. Think again. A recent Guardian article relays that Myopia - nearsightedness - is on the rise, and our screens may be to blame.
“Near Work” leads to eye strain, which in turn can lead to eye diseases in adults. Severe nearsightedness that progressively worsens can lead to cataracts, glaucoma and retinal detachment – since the eyeball stretches and the retina thins.
Even more concerning is the affect on kids: the American Academy of Optometryand American Academy of Ophthalmology both consider screen-related myopia in kids an epidemic. Kids overusing screens are at risk for ‘over-growing’ their eyes, leading to lifelong nearsightedness.
Over use your near vision and you may end up needing telescope glasses. Relax your eyes for long-term eye health. image source: https:\\
“New research from ophthalmologists shows that our constant screen time is radically changing our eyes. Just like the rest of our bodies, the human eye is supposed to stop growing after our teens. Now it keeps growing...
When our eyes spend more time focusing on near objects, like phones, screens or even paperbacks, it makes our eyeballs elongate, which prevents the eye from bending light the way it should. This elongation increases nearsightedness, called myopia, which causes distant objects to appear blurred. Myopia affects half of young adults in the US, twice as many as 50 years ago and over 40% of the population....
For one, your eyes blink far less when they’re focused so closely. As you’re holding your phone in your hand, performing near work, your muscles stretch and your lenses shift since our eyes over-accommodate to constant close-distance tasks. That’s why they’re growing...
”We can clinically measure the millimeter lengthening of the eyeball,” explains Dr Eric Chow, a Miami, Florida optometrist. “Studies have shown that the longer the axial length, the higher the risk of eye diseases like glaucoma, retinal detachment and cataracts.””
Remedies are available. MiSight contact lenses, worn by kids with growing eyes, effectively stop eye elongation.
For adults, gazing a nature is a balm. As are the “Seeing Clearly” Awareness Through Movement lessons as developed by David Webber. This 6-lesson series guides students to relax, refocus and receive to counteract the strain and effort of seeing in our overstimulating environment. Lessons include:
The Curriculum Includes:
Our Eyes and Ourselves
Relaxed Eyes
Breathing to See
Easy Seeing
Improving Your Aim
Seeing Deeply
Integrating your vision
Telescope Eyes
Check out the lesson recordings here.