ReCentering for Sports and Sanity - 7 - Inner and Outer Space - An Eye Lesson
Nichelle Nichols as Lt. Nyota Uhura in the original Star Trek television series. (CBS)
ReCentering for Sports and Sanity - 7 - Inner and Outer Space
Find your place in space
Adapted from “Re-education of the Eyes, Esalen 1972 Series” by Moshe Feldenkrais
My friend and inspiring colleague Anita Bueno has her own approach to teaching ATM.
I am all about “Hey, you can apply this here!” With Anita, it’s “Hey, we’re on an adventure! You never know what’s going to happen! Follow Me!”
We are doing Anita this week with an adventure to inner and outer space. Rather than giving away the gist of the lesson, I’ll tell you this much:
It’s an eye lesson, similar to, but different from, any eye lesson we’ve done before. It includes looking left, right, close up and very, very far away.
Our focus is on relating to your center of inner space and your relationship to all of outer space (To infinity and beyond … to mix metaphors).
Child Cloud Gazing - source:
The Voice-O-Meter sounds this week, chosen for their connection to corners:
Heart Sound - HAAAAAAA - releasing impatience and making space for love
Stomach - HAWWWW - grounding
Triple Warmer - HEEEEEEEE - integrating the centerline
Set Up:
Lying on the floor on a comfortable mat
Sitting on a flat-bottom chair with knees and hips level. You might like a chair with a (padded if you like) back to lean into
Scan includes looking at something detailed and near, and something far; you might want something printed for ‘near’ and something bold for ‘far’
The lesson includes rests in standing; make sure you can safely get up from floor to standing with eyes closed
Science Nerd Candy:
Review vision and perception from “Seeing Clearly - 2 - Relaxed Eyes”
Review the muscles involved in focusing from “Seeing Clearly - 3 - Breathing to See”
Review eye muscles involved in moving the eyes from “Seeing Clearly - 8 - Telescope Eyes”
How You Might Feel After This Lesson: Deep centering; Deep breath; Eyes relaxed and soft; New focus. The rest is up to you.
BY ZOOM New Students: Register here