Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage 4 - Soft Hands, Soft Shoulders
Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage - 4- Soft Hands, Soft Shoulders
Be the quiet in the roil
Based on “The Sweater Lesson” by Eileen Bach-y-Rita
“There is no situation in which paying careful kind attention would not be the most helpful response.”
Your soft hands are caressing your belly, ribs, and shoulders. The gestures bring lift to the upper back and open the chest. And, in preparation for winter, the movements remind us of the graceful way to take off a sweater.
While visiting together in LA this past weekend, Patricia Zehentmayr, my Feldenkrais training partner and coach for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), asked me why I find my Feldenkrais practice more spiritually profound than meditation. Honestly, I couldn’t find the words to explain that, at this point, I’m not seeking profound insights. I’m seeking internal grace, and I find ATM lessons reveal my blocks and limits better than any other spiritual approach. Then I found the Krishnamurti quote, below, that put it to words for me. ATM gives me a path for breaking through my conditioning.
That said, no intellectualizing this week. It’s all about sensation: hands on body, body sensing hands, shoulder blades sliding with the breath, arms crossing and lifting, pelvic floor supporting the lift from below.
“The truly religious man is he who, realizing his conditioning, is breaking through that conditioning.”
For long-time students, this is a familiar, simple lesson. Enjoy the freedom of not having to think about the moves and give yourself the space to integrate the many lessons that have led to this one. Maybe choose a focus around which to organize yourself. Or allow the lesson’s simplicity to guide you to a new, deeper experience of easy movement. I’m looking forward to whatever this lesson, at this moment, reveals to me.
Science Nerd Candy Bowl: (nothing new this week, but last week’s vagus nerve information is always useful)
Meet Your Vagus Nerve - Gil Hedley (5:14) An engaging, simple whiteboard explanation of the vagus nerve anatomy and physiology
Vagus Nerve - Neuroanatomy and Functions, Animation Alila Medical Media (4:09) Follow the vagus nerve through the body in this simple tutorial
What Is The Vagus Nerve? | Vagus Nerve Explained | Brain, Mind Body Connect - The Art of Living (4:43) - cheerful overview of vagus nerve functions - anatomical and spiritual/emotional
Set Up for Seated or Supine Lesson:
Sit on an armless, stable chair
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed.
How you might feel after this lesson: Quieted, Relaxed; Breathing easily; Hands soft and relaxed; Eyes soft and relaxed; Ribs open and breath full; Spine flexible and relaxed; Neck and jaw soft and relaxed; Able to gracefully remove a sweater.
If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month; $15/single lesson. PayPal or Venmo to Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
For new student registration, Click Here