Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage Session 2 - Feet
Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage 2
Be the quiet in the roil
Based on “The feet and its toes (AY36)” by Moshe Feldenkrais
Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist teacher and writer is the inspiration for this series: Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit, a short series for a busy, possibly stressful month. Sit and practice some Feldenkrais approaches to self treatment. This lesson is a foot self-massage.
The Feldenkrais approach to self care includes sensing for pressures that condense into points of pain. Consider a foot issue; it might be related to the ankle, the tibia (inside shin bone), the femur’s (thigh bone) alignment in the hip socket, the tilt of the head. Finding clear and possibly-blocked foot-body connections is our focus in this lesson.
“There is no situation in which paying careful kind attention would not be the most helpful response.”
A quick Google search on “foot anatomy forces” yields pages and pages and pages of results on just about every possible exercise regime. There are pages for podiatrists with x-rays of all kind of foot problems. FEET ARE A BIG DEAL.
Follow Moshe Feldenkrais’ approach to softening and strengthening the feet, and feel the relaxation echo through your whole self. This lesson is written for lying and sitting on the floor. If you prefer to sit the whole time, you might want to set up near something to support your leg on.
Science Nerd Candy Bowl:
Foot Anatomy Animated Tutorial - Randale Sechrest (8:00) complete anatomy lesson
The Spiral Line Muscle and Motion (1:00) shows how the feet connect though the fascia to the entire body
The Sacral Plexus and the Sciatic Nerve - Muscle and Motion (5:58) not specifically related to this session, but sciatica comes up a lot. This video traces the nerves of the lumbar spine and sacrum, including the sciatic nerve.
Set Up for Seated Lesson:
Sit on an armless, stable chair
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed.
How you might feel after this lesson: Quieted, Relaxed; Breathing easily; Feet soft and flexible; Better understanding of how feet do their job and how they are connected to the rest of the body.
If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month; $15/single lesson. PayPal or Venmo to Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
For new student registration, Click Here