Orchestra and Balcony - 5 - I'm Ready for my Closeup
More Pelvic Floor - Orchestra and Balcony - 5 - It’s a wrap
I’m Ready for my Closeup, but not nearly that scary
Gloria Swanson - A close up before Norma Desmond
“In order to change our mode of action, we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us.”
Marilyn Monroe blows a kiss
It’s an “Orchestra and Balcony” wrap. The last lesson in this series. Are you ready for your close up?.
Having related to the pelvis and pelvic floor, moved the ribs in every direction (and the maracas that go with them) and corked the mouth for softer, more relaxed lips and jaw, are you feeling more post-Covid alive?
This last lesson may be familiar. I often teach it around the holidays to help people get ready for all those photos. It’s formally called “The Tongue” lesson but I personally call it the “Botox lesson” for the way it relaxes the face and lips. The root of that relaxation is the tongue.
We will be exploring the feeling sense of the jaw, and, similarly to the cork lesson, move the lips without moving the jaw and move the tongue in every direction it can go. All the while keeping the tongue as soft and neutral as possible, and seeking the connection of tongue to pelvic floor via the abs.
Enjoy the classic line, “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up” from the film original and the Broadway musical adaption with Glenn Close, who really can sing. It’s creepy, yes. But the line is a thing of beauty. (There’a also a Carol Burnett version - you’ll have to look it up yourself.)
No science nerd candy this lesson. I’m not in the mood for skeletal jaws or layered tongues or animations of head-pelvis connections. See with your fingertips and your inner eyes.
This lesson can be done sitting, side lying, supine or some combination of all. Have your cork ready.
How You Might Feel After This Lesson: Face, Jaw and Lips soft and relaxed, Pelvic Floor activated and easily sensed, Breath, pelvic floor and lips synchronized; Sexier.