For Highly Sensitive People - A Field Guide To Your Inner Terrain
Patricia Zehentmayr has crystallized her 25 years of exploring her Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) traits into a guide for other HSPs
High Sensitivity is a trait
Learn to use HSP strengths to thrive and share your gifts
“Finding ease in your moment-to- moment life is possible, even for us tender HSPs.”
Patricia Zehentmayr, GCFP®, and brilliant lyricist and songwriter, was my Feldenkrais Training roommate in Santa Fe. (She found all of our delightful rentals.)
Expanding on her Feldenkrais background and extensive research, Patricia has crystalized her life as a Highly Sensitive Person into a new program to help HSPs thrive in a world not build for us. Had I had this kind of support when I was navigating the work world - I can’t imagine.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to conclude that people attracted to the Feldenkrais Method and Awareness Through Movement are likely to have many HSP traits.
Curious? Patricia has developed an HSP test. Here are the first five of over 25 questions that help you determine if you have HSP characteristics.
Do you find yourself easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input?
Are you often aware of subtle details in your environment?
Do other people's moods have a significant impact on your own mood?
Do you tend to be highly sensitive to pain?
Do you often feel the need to withdraw during busy days, seeking privacy and relief from stimulation?
And more…
HSPs can thrive in the larger society, supported by an understanding of how our brains process information, how we approach problems, react to stimuli that are ‘nothing’ to non-HSPs (we get overwhelmed!), and use our gifts for the benefit of all.
Join Patricia’s mailing list to receive the HSP test and guidebook. You’ll find helpful information on HSP traits, tools for managing our unique nervous systems, and encouragement for those of us confounded by the 80% of the global non-HSP population.