Feldenkrais Method Profiled in "Everyday Health"
Gulld photo Credit: Copyright 2005, Rosalie O'Connor. Used with permission of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
Feldenkrais Method Profiled in "Everyday Health"
“What Is the Feldenkrais Method? A Detailed Scientific Guide to This Type of Somatic Movement” -
A Clinically-supported article about the benefits of the Method
Everyday Health delivers accurate, timely health information and medical research news to consumers. Writer Jessica Migala and medical reviewer Justin Laube, MD have just published a valuable survey article on the efficacy of the Feldenkrais Method®.
The article gives a brief history of the work, a description of group and individual lessons, and a list of clinically-supported benefits, including:
Pain Management
Injury Rehab
Improved Artistic or Athletic Performance
Aging Well
“In addition to these, the Feldenkrais Method, another somatic and mind-body practice, has emerged with rising interest in the wellness community. With a growing number of certified instructors, you may be hearing more about this practice — and how it may help you improve your well-being.
“Is there scientific evidence that the Feldenkrais Method has benefits?
Yes, research shows that Feldenkrais may be effective for improving the physical function and balance of older adults, that it may be useful in alleviating chronic low-back pain, and also may also be a valid part of rehabilitation in patients who experience stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.”
The practice is deemed to be safe for most people, with the sensible caveat that practitioners are not medical professionals and cannot offer medical advice. People in treatment for serious health conditions should, of course, consult with their medical team before starting Awareness Through Movement® classes or Functional Integration® private sessions.
This article is a helpful reference that clearly describes the method as a personal development and healing practice. They predict growth; about time the word got to spreading.