About Walking - 5 - Ankles = Ribs (+wrists)
About Walking - 5 - Ankles=Ribs (+wrists)
Finding foot freedom way up high
Based on “AY #433 - The Edges of the Feet” by Moshe Feldenkrais
“After years of teenage soccer ankle injuries, I can tell you one thing: it’s all about the ribs and wrists.”
More connections between the feet and ribs.
My colleague Alea confirmed something I had been acutely aware of. My jammed-up armpit ribs block my ankles. When I allow the ground forces to flow from the heel to the diagonal shoulder, all is well. If the flow gets stuck in the pelvis, it’s a potential spill.
This lesson is about the ankle. The approach, though, is “Feldenkraisian-ly” surprising: to get at the ankle, roll the foot from side to side. To simulate walking, engage the opposite diagonal - ribs, head and wrists - to make space for and complete the cycle.
Or course, the rocking pelvis, rolling legs and coordinated breath are in play. Add wrists for more shoulder information.
Watch how solid the ground is beneath you feels, and how the phases of the step cycle - contact, down, passing and up - come together.
We’ll begin with a short review of lessons to date in both sitting and lying. We will be lying supine with knees dropping out at points. The lesson ends in an optional sitting sequence where a stool could be useful for some.
Set Up:
Lying on a mat
Some students may like a bolster or rolled blanket to support the “dropped out to the side” knees in some sequences
Stable, flat-bottom, armless chair where knees and hips are level.
Our theme: the walk cycle.
Soccer Goddess Megan Rapinoe demonstrates optimal inward foot rotation, diagonal ribs and wrist engagement. And she makeas it look GOOD. Source: Laurence Griffiths/ Getty Images
Science Nerd Candy Bowl for Walkers:
Walking and pronation: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (1:06) Clear description of healthy and impaired walking patterns
Foot anatomy Animated Tutorial: Randale Sechrest (8:00) excellent overview of bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons.
Ankle & Subtalar Joint Motion Function Explained Biomechanic of the Foot – Pronation & Supination: DrGlassDPM (7:29) highly technical language about planes of motion, but detailed foot anatomy animations very informative.
Foot reflexology maps relate the forefoot with the ribs. Source unknown.
How You Might Feel After This Lesson: Foot relaxed and flexible; Ankles soft and aligned with leg and hip; Sense of coordination of foot, breath and pelvis, for clearer movement; Tuned into how the ribs and torso conduct the force of walking up from the pelvis and around to swing the back leg forward; Connected to the ground beneath your feet and wings, and enjoying the stability; Up to try this on the ski slope, green, or … ICY DRIVEWAYS.
For new student registration, Click Here
If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month, $15/single lesson. PayPal: jackisue@aol.com Venmo: @Jacki-Katzman Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
Not exactly relevant - this cut from “Sita Sings the Blues” is my attempt to keep the animation theme going. Animator Nina Paley’s dance sequences are exquisite and surprisingly accurate. The entire film, ‘Sita Sings the Blues” is creatively told and beautiful.